sabato, Gennaio 25, 2025 Anno XXI

Not-esteemed President, (you have thoroughly shown not to give a shit about our esteem),

struck blind by lightning, on the way to Boston, you propose the latest, yet another “chiagni e fotti” (cry & cheat) drivel, maybe inspired by your southern origins that are not ours.

We listened at you, dozens and dozens of times over these years of forced cohabitation.

Listening at you, it’s like all what concerns our beloved AS Roma, of which you have misunderstood even the glorious symbol, come from a distant galaxy. A sort of Divine Punishment that strikes on us because of unbelievable and shameful sins.

Unfortunately, you are our daily Divine Punishment, not-esteemed President.

We all know already why you came here to take care about our disastrous fate; it is useless to keep going back on it.

The Bank, its sufferings towards old and new customers and its need to square the circle that would have never been squared: even the cobblestones of this City knew that.

Did you think to do your private business with us? Really?

Romans have been here for about 2,800 years, and saw unfortunately, many and many people even worse than you. But they were also lucky enough to see much better people as well, and therefore able to judge who to keep and who to drop. Well, we decided to drop you.

The US President that you love so much used to say, to the competitors of his reality-show: “You’re fired!”

Ten years are more than enough to know somebody weighing his actions and, especially in your case, the lies and omissions. Now it’s our turn to say to you “You’re fired!”.

We are conscious that it won’t be easy, because your money and those of your beloved and unknown partners are involved. And that’s all that matters for you.

But you have really exhausted our patience and we hope, despite your willingness to stay for a long time, that our forced cohabitation will end soon, one way or another.

At Core De Roma we coined the motto “Mejo in B che co questi qui!” (Better downgraded in B than staying with these guys).

This is just to make you understand, although we recognize that we can’t ask for a big cultural effort, that Rome and AS Roma are two things well beyond all your promises that unfortunately, you have not respected. They are the essence of our life, the essence of the life of our friends and of our families. You didn’t understand it and you continue not to understand it. It’s clear you can’t.

We don’t want to go through your ranting letter clause by clause, paragraph by paragraph, pointing out all lies, inconsistencies and distortions of the truth. We know that the Americans are a young and well-organized people but, unfortunately also a bit limited in thought. It is what it is and nobody’s fault.

So please don’t take offence by the ending of our reply. It is the answer that in Rome, we usually give to the harassing people and to those who continue to tell lies; those that in Rome we call “cazzari”.

 Fuck you all, yourself as first, and give us back AS Roma.

MARCATORI: 2′ pt Milik, 49′ pt Perotti (rig), 4′ st Mertens, 10′ st Verdi, 36′ st Younes.

Roma-Napoli: Roma abulica e travolta ROMA (4-4-2): Olsen, Santon, Manolas, Fazio, Kolarov, De Rossi (36′ st Kluivert), Nzonzi, Cristante, Perotti (37′ st Under), Schick (18′ st Zaniolo), Dzeko (63 Fuzato, 83 Mirante, 2 Karsdorp, 5 Juan Jesus, 15 Marcano, 19 Coric, 53 Riccardi). All.: Ranieri.

NAPOLI (4-4-2): Meret, Hysaj (23′ st Malcuit), Maksimovic, Koulibaly, Rui, Callejon, Allan, Ruiz, Verdi (29′ st Younes), Milik, Mertens (13′ st Ounas). (22 D’Andrea, 27 Karnezis, 13 Luperto, 18 Gaetano). All.: Ancelotti.

ARBITRO: Calvarese di Teramo.

NOTE – Spettatori: 36.525. Ammoniti: Schick, Maksimovic, Manolas, Dzeko, Milik, Kolarov. Angoli: 7-4 per il Napoli. Recupero: 2′ e 2′.

Spal-Roma: striscione in ricordo di Giuliano Taccola
MARCATORI: 22′ pt Fares, 8′ st rig. Perotti, 15′ st rig. Petagna.

SPAL (3-5-2) Viviano, Cionek, Vicari, Bonifazi, Lazzari (32’ st Regini sv), Murgia (39 st Simic sv), Missiroli, Kurtic (35′ st Schiattarella), Fares, Petagna, Antenucci. All. Semplici.

ROMA (4-4-2) Olsen – Karsdorp (35′ st Santon sv), Fazio, Marcano, Juan Jesus (1′ st Zaniolo), Cristante, Nzonzi, El Shaarawy (1′ st Perotti), Schick, Dzeko. All. Ranieri.

ARBITRO: Rocchi di Firenze.

NOTE – Spettatori: 15.089. Ammoniti: Vicari, Nzonzi, Dzeko, Cionek, Fares, Juan Jesus, Perotti, Missiroli, Cristante.

MARCATORI: 9′ El Shaarawy, 12′ Jesus (aut.), 33′ Schick.

Roma-Empoli: ritorno con vittoria per RanieriROMA (4-4-2): Olsen; Florenzi, Marcano, Jesus, Santon; Kluivert(35′ st Karsdorp), Cristante, Nzonzi El Shaarawy; Zaniolo(9′ st Perotti), Schick (40′ st Celar). (63 Fuzato, 83 Mirante, 19 Coric, 53 Riccardi, 55 Pezzella, 57 Semeraro, 58 Cargnelutti). All.: Ranieri.

EMPOLI (3-5-2): Dragowski; Veseli, Silvestre, Dell’Orco; Di Lorenzo, Krunic, Bennacer, Acquah (20′ st Brighi), Pasqual (38′ st Ucan); Farias (34′ st Oberlin), Caputo. (1 Provedel, 21 Perrucchini, 8 Traorè, 22 Maietta, 32 Rasmussen, 43 Nikolaou, 6 Pajac, 28 Capezzi). All.: Iachini.

ARBITRO: Maresca di Napoli.

NOTE – Spettatori: 34.508. Ammoniti: Florenzi, Cristante, Acquah. Espulsi: Florenzi (doppia ammonizione). Angoli: 5-3. Recupero: 0′ e 6′.

Roma-Empoli: ritorno con vittoria per Ranieri